Sitecore TDS Found a duplicate field '__Created.en.1'

Sitecore TDS found a duplicated field '__Created.en.1' in the sitecore item '/sitecore/system/Workflows'.


This is a bug. Sitecore Commerce Connect add a first version to the workflow item without any check.

If you have Sitecore Commerce 9.3.0 install, you probably will notice the workflow items have weird version list like below:

There are two version 1 in the version history.

TDS is failed to sync the content because of the duplicate field issue. Error should looks like below:

To resolve the issue, you disable the Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.DataProvider.config first when you use TDS to sync the content, or you can overwrite the GetItemVersions method in WorkflowDataProvider class to provide the correct version list.